School Belt
- 1 min Cool enough for school
This project came about after writing a few dis-joint programs, then realizing that putting all of theses classes under the same roof could result in something neat. The application was written as a javaFX GUI with an initial window that currently displays three buttons:
The buttons open their own separate scenes:
- one for a simple calculator
- another for a quadratic equation solver
- and a simple text editor
The calculator simply takes in two numbers and allows the user to perform an elementary operation on them. I would like to eventually update this to have a single text-field that takes in an entire expression into a stack and then evaluates. The quadratic equation solver allows the user to put in the values for a quadratic equation, click solve, and see one of the three possible outcomes of either no Real solution, one solution, or two solutions. And finally the text editor, allows for simple note taking with “open file” and “save file” options, each with corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
This project helped me gain further insight into object oriented programming, as well as constructing an organized GUI with multiple classes. The project presented a fun challenge in terms of taking separate smaller projects/ideas and bringing them together into one cohesive unit. I also gained valuable introductory experience into GitHub, as I played around with loosely keeping up with version control. If anything, I gathered a better understanding of the importance of DVCS.